Ravi Valecha
2 min readDec 31, 2019

Integrate Docker in CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins on AWS EC2

Docker is a tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers.

Install Docker


Amazon Linux EC2 Instance

Install docker and start docker services

yum install docker -y docker — version

# start docker services

service docker start

service docker status

docker pull tomcat:latest

Create a user called dockeradmin

useradd dockeradmin

passwd dockeradmin

Add a user to docker group to manage docker

usermod -aG docker dockeradmin

Validation test

Create a tomcat docker container by pulling a docker image from the public docker registry

docker run -d — name test-tomcat-server -p 8090:8080 tomcat:latest

Integration between Docker-host and Jenkins

Install “publish Over SSH”

Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins > Available > Publish over SSH

Enable connection between Docker-host and Jenkins

Manage Jenkins > Configure System > Publish Over SSH > SSH Servers

SSH Servers: — Name: docker-host


Advanced > chose Use password authentication, or use a different key

password: ******

Create a Dockerfile in dockeradmin (/home/dockeradmin)

# Pull tomcat latest image from dockerhub

From tomcat:latest

# Maintainer


# copy war file on to container

COPY ./webapp.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps

Create a Jenkins Job

Enter an item name: DeployUsingDocker

use Maven project

Source Code Management:

Repository: <Git Repository>

Branches to build : */master

Poll SCM : — * * * *


Root POM:pom.xml

Goals and options: clean install package

Post-build Actions

Send build artifacts over SSH

SSH Publishers

SSH Server Name: docker-host

Transfers > Transfer set

Source files: webapp/target/*.war

Remove prefix: webapp/target

Remote directory: //home//ansadmin or .

Exec command:

cd /home/dockeradmin;

docker build -t simple-devops-image .;

docker run -d — name simple-devops-container -p 8080:8080 simple-devops-image;

Save and run the job now.

Now integration with docker is complete. Access http://<public ip>:8080/<warfile>